Our Mission
To provide access and opportunity to prosperity for all residents through economic, cultural, and community integration - where everyone is accepted and respected.
Our Impact
During our recent 12-week-long pilot project, 67 people applied for employment, and 49 people secured a temporary job placement. Here are some figures from our pilot:
Project Revenue
Net income for employees
Total Taxes Paid
Find The Perfect Job
Welcoming City provides job search services to find and keep employment. We help you learn and grow on the job.

Find The Right Employee
Welcoming City helps you recruit and retain the New American workforce, and make your work environment immigrant-friendly.

"I just know it is a good organization, the way it takes care of people, how to help, I think it has good stuffs, when I joined them, I found they had good hearts, and the spirit I had of helping people. I felt [that] this is the agency I could work with. I like it and the way they help my fellow refugees."
- Kubuya Lukambo, Employee